Monday, October 20, 2008

The Case of the Missing Sports Shoes

On Tuesdays, my son Dylan has physical education at school. He must wear his formal uniform to and from schoold and change into his sports uniform at school, so he takes this in a small separate carry bag. Last Tuesday, Dylan was on the bus on the way to school when he realised the sports bag was missing. A quick call to his dad, who was out of the house, but still in the neighbourhood: please check if I have left it in the lounge room or the bedroom, or at the bus stop.

No luck. Dylan checked for himself when he came home that afternoon. No sign.

Well, surely it was left at the bus stop and someone has picked it up. Who would want Dylan's sports uniform? The sports shoes were good quality, but far from new. Damn - have to buy new shoes, new uniform. Luckily there is another older uniform at home and some old shoes belonging to his older brother Tristan. These will do for now.

As I'm driving later in the evening after picking Tristan up for his game, I tell him that in the morning I will have a talk to the children who catch the bus after Dylan. Surely they saw the bag. If I give them the evil eye they will confess all!

In the morning, Dylan calls me into his room to show me the miracle. The bag is on the floor, with uniform and shoes in tact! How can this be, we all checked for it. It really is a miracle.

Then Tristan emerges from the bathroom. When I had brought Tristan home, after Dylan was asleep, he found the shoes in his own room. Dylan had been sitting in Tristan's room, while Tristan put his shoes on, before they left the house on Tuesday morning. And so on finding the bag after everyone else was in bed, Tristan kindly returned it to Dylan's bedroom and left it on the floor for him.


ittybittyandpretty said...

was this here before? ok now what.. i remember the time one of my year five boys was looking for his back pack everywhere until i told him it was on his BACK. see you soon xx rosey

MelC said...

No, I fiddled with my settings and I think that's what made the comments field apear.